What do your children say when you ask them what do you want to be when you grow up? Do they answer the common answers like "A Doctor", "The President", "A Basketball Star" or "A Youtuber"? First let me say there is absolutely nothing wrong with these responses!!!!!! The goal of Dreambuilders Books is not to change your child's mind about what they want to be when they grow up, rather open their eyes to the many possibilities out there. Does your young child love playing with their toy trains, maybe they just don't know when they grow up they can be a Train Conductor. Does your young child love looking up at the sky and is fascinated by the stars and planets? Maybe it never crossed their mind they can grow up to be an astronomer. Does you child have a love and fascination with animals? Maybe they always wanted to be a Veterinarian because they know they deal with animals but never explored what a zoologist or a zoo keeper do...
Showing posts from September, 2017